Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Post Office

When you go to the post office - make sure you know what you're doing.

I walked in with the stuff I needed to mail, picked out an envelope & proceeded to fill out the address. As I started putting everything in it, I realized it didn't fit. But I already wrote on it - now what do I do? Should I pretend to answer an emergency phone call & run out of the building? Should I just try to cram everything in there & hope it ends up okay? How about this: I just walk up, pay the $1.50, feel kinda dumb and then walk out with no worries because, hey - when am I going to see these people again? Oh wait! That's right... Tomorrow - when I have to go back to mail my stuff. :/

1 comment:

  1. i must admit, this was pretty entertaining to listen to on the phone. haha
