Friday, August 28, 2009

It began by...

There are a lot of friends that don't know the whole story of my decision to transfer schools, and there are a lot of friends that do know. Out of condsideration, I'll start at the beginning.

Because I’ve committed to follow Jesus with my life, I have to obey His command to make the move to Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

As last year ended I was left with mixed emotions. I could feel my heart changing for the state of South Dakota, as well as having an open mindset as to what God would do in my life. Then, in June, some financial issued arose. Loans were falling through. It looked like I wasn’t going to be able to go to school at all. By that time I had applied to the University of Sioux Falls – Partly to make my parents happy, partly because I was unsure of where to go. In July, Ashleigh L. spent a week visiting and found that I didn’t need any additional loans to return to Idaho State University. Excited that we would remain roommates, we started planning for the year but something was holding me back.
I had been having an ongoing conversation with God. I was trying so hard to figure out what I was supposed to be doing, I just boldly said, “God, if you want me to stay here in Sioux Falls, give me a full ride to USF.” Thinking that was going to be impossible because of my grades and it being a small Christian school, I felt I was pretty safe. Every day that the award letter didn’t show up in the mail, I got a little more hopeful. At the end of July my mom called me at work to tell me the news. Knowing that it had to be important for my mom to call me at work, I kind of knew what was up. I remember her excitingly saying, “Your award letter came.” My first response was, “Well then it must be bad news for you to call me at work.” Later, after apologizing to my mom, it really hit me. A new chapter of God’s work in my life is beginning in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

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