Friday, October 9, 2009

so much to update...

Fall Retreat
How can I put this nicely...? I pretty much hated it. I met some neat people & we had some fun together, but I guess I'm just really disappointed because they weren't from my school. There were only 3 people, including me, from USF & all the others from our group were from Augustana (the other Christian school about a block away). Which isn't a big deal, but I didn't connect with anyone from Auggie either. I tried, but everyone basically already had their set group of friends so there really wasn't anywhere for me to fit. From the past retreats that I have gone to, this one wasn't one of my favorites. One of the things I found weird was they were amazed at how many people were there. I guess it was a really big group but to me it seemed small. It was about the size of an ISUXA retreat but instead of just one school there were about 5 there. Another funny thing was they were talking about something in Minnesota over Christmas break and how it's the biggest thing and there's tons of people there. I don't remember the exact number they said usually attend, but it was no where near the thousands of people that I spent New Year's with last year and The World Missions Summit. On the bright side, I did learn some things from the speakers. I promise you one of the speakers was the same lady we heard when I was in Salem for YWAM. Maybe not... But if not, they're identical in looks & in speaking. It was good to get away for the weekend with people my age. On top of everything, I got sick the last night/day. My overall rating of the weekend: it wasn't great. The whole experience made me miss home more than ever.

Online Missions
This has been way awesome! I think it's so cool that I can connect with so many people from all over the world. I'm not sure on the rules of talking about the details so I'll keep it to a minimum. Everyday it's usually a different country and there's been a couple countries that I've never heard of before. I've talked with people from Africa, Europe, Asia & the US. I love it.

First Snow Fall
I look forward to this every year! I couldn't really celebrate the first snow fall because it was mixed with rain back in the middle of September, but tonight it is pure snow. I guess we're supposed to have 2 inches by tomorrow morning? I was kind of just hit with a flood of emotions instead of being happy. The most prominent one being sadness. It just made me feel really lonely because I couldn't be with my friends. All I want is to build a snowman & have a snowball fight with my best friends.

Life At Home
I've gotten pretty close with my dad & I love that! ...but that's pretty much all I can say. I just feel like everything else is falling apart.

I guess this brings me to how I've been feeling the past couple of weeks. I've been avoiding updating this because it reminds me that I'm not with the people that make me laugh & the people that I can completely be myself with. I've been trying to keep a positive attitude about the move and waiting for something great to come along but for a while now I've just been feeling depressed about not having anyone here, missing out on everything back home and most of all just missing the comfort and love you get from your friends. I just want to hug them and cry :(

1 comment:

  1. I'm really bummed that Fall Retreat didn't go better for you. I was hoping it would have given you a chance to connect with more people from your school. At least you talked to a few people you could keep in touch with over facebook, right? Though it doesn't really give you anyone to hang out with in Sioux Falls. Though I'm sure God has some people for you to meet right around the corner!

    I think that online missions thing you are doing is so awesome! Every time I hear a new story from you I am amazed. I'm so glad that you found out about that and that you chose to do it! It will help you prepare so much for the future and going into missions in real life. Obviously its not the same but I still think it will help so much!

    You know, even when you were here we never really built a snow man. Lol. Chances are when you come visit for your spring break we could still get some snow! Haha. When it starts snowing here more and there more we can look out into the snow and feel like we are all in the same place!

    I'm glad that you have had a chance to grow closer with your dad! That is such a good thing for you! I know you don't really get a chance to see your family a lot but have you been working on your relationship with your brother? You guys should find something you have in common and go out and do something just the two of you.

    Just keep expecting that God has something amazing planned. Never underestimate the things that He will do in your life! If you stay faithful and expectant I'm sure God will reveal amazing things to you in time! And until then, just hold on! Pocatello may be far away in distance but it is only a phone call away. And people here miss you and would love to talk to you! Keep your chin up my friend!
